Hi there. Welcome aboard.

I  find these bio things all a bit self-indulgent, but here we go anyway.

I have worked and lived in the East Ward of Prospect for over 40 years, and I've lived in Mawson Street, Nailsworth for over 20 years.

We'll finish renovating any week now. Promise.

I've been married to Michelle for 24 years and have two adult children, Erin and Jackson.

I started my working life in the East Ward of Prospect (see below) and sampled a wide range of different career opportunities before settling into the world of advertising in the late eighties. I've worked as an advertising copywriter, producer and director for just on 30 years. I started out at a major Adelaide advertising agency and became a freelancer in the mid 90's. Along with three other like-minded creative companies we founded one of Adelaide's first co-working campuses in the early 2000's.

Four years ago I decided it was time for a change. Working for yourself is incredibly rewarding but after 20-odd years it also takes its toll. So I applied for a position at a 'new-to-Adelaide' global retail giant. I also nominated for local Council, figuring that if one or the other succeeded I'd have the change I was looking for.

I was successfully selected for both positions. On the exact same day.

I'm currently part of the local Member Service team at Costco, the second largest retailer in the world. What this actually means is that I interact directly with about 10,000 people per week; not all of them happy. I'm also a part of one of the most successful businesses on the planet. What I've learned in terms of process, procedure and professionalism cannot be underestimated. And a lot of this business knowledge is transposable to other sectors, such as Local Council.

Okay, disclosure time. Sports. I'm not really a footy guy. Even if I was, shift work tends to put paid to attending games when you work every Saturday. So apologies if you don't see me at a local footy games. It's not that I don't support the teams, I just don't have the days off to get along.

Any spare time I do have is usually spent with family. Camping and travel are high on our agenda. We find that exposing kids to other cultures and destinations at a young age opens their minds to opportunities beyond their local experience. Any spare time beyond that is spent watching my daughter play lacrosse for the Eagles and my son crash and destroy technology, aka drone racing. Any spare time beyond that is taken up renovating our 1920's bungalow. (The outside will be done as soon as we can decide on colours. Promise.)

And any spare time beyond that is spent tinkering in the shed with cars and motorbikes.

I would like to think  that I have a pretty close to perfect life balance. My work life, my family life and my Council life currently all sit in harmony and alignment.

Also, as a creative person I have the outlet and opportunity to express new ideas through my position as a Councillor. I'll never run out of new ideas and the City of Prospect is the perfect vehicle for them.

I firmly believe it's new ideas that move a community forward, not looking for problems where none exist.

In all honesty, I'd have to say the past four years have been amongst the happiest and most fulfilling of my life, and I'd love the opportunity and privilege to do it all again.


7 Things you probably didn't know about Mark Standen

  1. Mark has three qualifications in Sustainability, including a Cert IV in Carbon Management.
  2. Mark has driven a float in the Christmas Pageant for the past 7 years. Firstly Hansel & Gretel, now Billy Bulldozer.
  3. Mark has performed stand-up comedy twice. Firstly in 2014 and then again in 2016. It was scary. Very, very scary.
  4. Mark's first job was in 1976 as a storeman at Collinswood Foodland. He was just 16.
  5. Mark has a current forklift licence.
  6. Mark has written and produced a number of short films. One of which was short-listed in Tropfest.
  7. Mark has participated in the Bay to Birdwood Classic since 2005.

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